The majority of organizations experience less than desired results from their process improvement programs and projects. We believe this "expectation disconnect" usually occurs because leadership has not been effectively engaged to establish their ownership and accountability for results.

Business Process Improvement Programs - Climb to the Top With Your Team
accomplir integrates best practices of Behavioral Leadership and Behavior Change Management with the leading business process improvement and management methodologies to accomplish the newest breakthroughs - Sustainable Lean SigmaTM and Behavioral Business Process ManagementTM.

accomplir's methodologies and tools focus our behavioral lens on your process improvement project from the start to deliver sustainable results because Applied Behavioral Science principles are integrated into project deliverables.

accomplir's SOR2 FrameworkSM provides a robust, systematic assessment framework to identify the key change levers to ensure the project progresses effectively from the start.

accomplir's Behavior Annotated ProcessSM tool identifies "Intellectual Value" i.e., what people say or do, that creates value.
How our clients build their sustainability successes:

accomplir's focus is to build your organization's capability. We train and coach your Process Improvement leaders and facilitators via current, high business-value projects to create deliverables and certify skills. We look forward to discussing our service offerings to accelerate your program-level and project-level results to achieve Sustainable Process Excellence (SPX)SM.
Process, People, Technology, Behavior - accomplir
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